Let’s all eat Ice Cream for breakfast EVERY.SINGLE.DAY! Yes, Laura Jane Williams is BACK! Becoming was good. But this is REALLY good!
For those of you who are familiar with Laura Jane Williams, ‘Ice Cream For Breakfast’ simply won’t disappoint! For those of you who don’t know who Laura is…well where have you been?! Get to know Laura in our ‘Meet the Author‘ interview, visit her blog or read our review of Laura’s first book, Becoming.
After travelling, came her first book. And after her first book came a little bit of burnout. So much so, that Laura decided to embark on a new journey, becoming a Nanny for a London family and boy did she learn a thing or two. Documenting her journey on her Instagram, she quickly realised with the help of her followers that there was a book waiting for her words to hit its pages, with tales of her time with the children she looked after.
Ice Cream for Breakfast is packed with lessons on how we all need to take a step back and reconnect with our inner child once in a while. Life would be so much simpler then wouldn’t it? It’s one of those books you can dip in and out of or simply read from cover to cover and immerse yourself in, to think more like a kid. And I don’t meant ‘acting’ like a kid.
Worry less, live in the moment, give compliments, give honest opinions and do what you want in life without worrying about what the world thinks…all things that kids do. But why is it when we become an adult we suddenly forget all of this?
As always with a book or a blog written by Laura Jane Williams, I adore her style of writing. Always makes me feel like she’s probably a totally good drinking partner and someone you could chat about this, that and everything.
I have to say, Becoming (Laura’s first book was more memoir) whereas this is more self-help / discovery and I WAY preferred it. Laura’s style of writing is the perfect fit. It made me cry with laughter AND it made me sit back and reflect about just how glaringly obvious and easy living life through the eyes of a child makes everything a little rosier, a little more fun and perfectly acceptable, of course to eat ice cream for breakfast.
A great book for anyone who might be taking themselves a little too seriously. Fans of LJW will of course love it too!
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Review by Donna