I think we’ve all gone a little cuckoo for this girl Marie.

I had a whole list of books I wanted for Christmas this year, all about self improvement, health, diet, nutrition, mind, productivity and well…to be frank – getting my shit together.

I love a good book to immerse myself in – a bedtime read that takes my mind away from the crazy, busy, work schedule I have (at the moment I’m reading Jojo Moyes – After You – amazing read!) but throughout the day I am making an effort to take just 1 hour to dedicate to my own personal development – whether that’s journaling, meditating or reading a book that’s good for the soul.

This is what I hoped to achieve from Marie Kondo’s Magic Art of Tidying.

Which it did.

Kind of.

The problem I have with this book is the last couple of chapters. It all goes a little too weird.

Starting at the beginning, the book teaches you to cleanse your home of all the good that doesn’t spark joy. This involves holding each item in your hand and sensing how you feel about it.

This, I have to say, worked for me.

Did that dress bring back bad memories of a night out that went wrong? Does that top remind you of a family trauma? Any negative thoughts and that baby was a goner. It also gave me chance to realise what the items were in my wardrobe that may not be the most fashion forward but the one’s that I remember I felt good in or had a good time in. Joy sparking!

The other thing to note here is there is a process to the process. Start with clothes and finish on sentimental items. All done in one day.

Realistically it’ll take you MUCH longer. Consider living in chaos for a few days to get everything sorted – and make sure you’ve got some heavy duty black sacks from the supermarket. ESSENTIAL!

I am yet to sort through sentimental items…this is going to be hard for me. I love my memories and my silly little cinema tickets, festival bands and signed tees. But who, realistically needs to keep all of that.

I aim to start creating photo albums of my memories and moments – photos that spark joy and make you stop and stare rather than those you just skip on past.

The book also teaches you to look at your objects as living things.

I don’t quite get this. Socks definitely don’t have feelings….do they?

However the book will encourage you to think about how better you’ll feel in your mind for having a good ol’ clear out. There are many non-UK references which has actually made me wonder. Are us Brits unable to KonMari? Do we hold on to too much? Is there anything wrong with that?

I personally don’t think there should be a rule on how much stuff you own but I am a huge believer in getting things organised so that you know where everything is – quickly. How annoying is it when you can’t find the other shoe or that belt? So annoying! And it makes us get all pent up and angsty…and that isn’t good for our souls is it!?

I’d give the book a read – but I would be open minded. I wouldn’t follow it by the book. I’d adapt it to your own lifestyle and be realistic. I hear there’s an app coming soon – I’m keen to see how Marie Kondo will develop this.

What are your thoughts on the book? Do you have your own method?

Buy ‘The Magic Art of Tidying’ via Amazon.

This review was originally written by Donna from Notes By Donna.